Unknown Past

A Ranma 1/2 crossover

By Stephen J. Scalaro


Chapter 1- Ranma fell into the cursed spring of drowned what?!

(If you don't want to read about the standard Jusenkyou start, just search for "With a" to get to where my fic diverges from the canon.)

Ranma looked at the training ground before him and shook his head. This looked to be another of his fathers hair brained schemes to get him to be the best without working for it.

If there was one thing that he had learned on this 10 year training journey with his father, was that you had to work hard to be the best. There was no shortcuts in the art.. And this had been proven to him very early in his life.

Every time that his father tried to teach him a secret or unbeatable technique, it only caused grief to both of them. Ranma saw this again and again as his father repeatedly tried to teach him a so-called "Ultimate Technique". When in reality, even the best of them where nothing more that a cheap trick. They may seem powerful at first, but each and every one of them had a glaring flaw that was easily exploited, if you knew anything at all about it.

At least this time it looked like his father might just have found a halfway decent training ground. The training ground consisted of many pools of water, each with bamboo poles sticking up out of them haphazardly.

This training ground would definitely go well with the Saotome school of Anything Goes Martial Arts. His schools specialty was mid air combat and unpredictability, and this looked to be a fairly good place to practice it.

Jusenkyou guide "Here sirs, we come to famous training ground of cursed springs Jusenkyou."

Genma "Are you prepared Ranma?"

"Ah man, this place ain't near as bad as I thought it would be" Ranma said, thinking about his earlier thoughts about the training ground.

Jusenkyou Guide "Ah, sirs, you are very strange ones. This place is very dangerous. Nobody use it now because more than 100 spring here and each one have own tragedy happen there."

During the guide's explanation Ranma and his dad had taken off their backpacks and had gotten ready to jump onto the poles.

"Ranma follow me!" Genma called out as he jumped onto one of the poles.

"Right behind you" Ranma called out as he followed his father onto the poles.

Jusenkyou Guide "Hay, sirs what you doing. I have not finished my tragic story. you can't go there."

Ranma tuned the guide out. He needed all of his concentration for the up coming match.

Genma "I won't go easy on you Ranma."

Ranma gave his father a smirk and replied "That's just the way I like it." and the battle was then joined.

Ranma gathered himself and looked at his father for any signs of when he would attack. Noticing a slight tensing in his legs, Ranma leapt off of the pole and traded blows him.

Ranma smiled once he landed on another pole. Nether of them had gotten a hit in on the last exchange of blows, but Ranma had noticed something important about fighting on these bamboo poles.

He had noticed that the poles tended to sway and flex with the slightest movements. Because of this Ranma had a much greater advantage than his father. He could use more speed and strength in his jumps than his father because of his smaller weight.

It also meant that his father had to telegraph his moves more that he normally did because of the extra flex in the bamboo. With his fathers greater weight he had to be much more cautious about how much power he could put into his jumps.

When his father jumped this time Ranma waited a little bit longer than he normally would have to see where his father's path would take him. When he saw that his father was going low Ranma jumped high and landed a kick on his father's back, knocking him into the spring bellow them.

After landing on another pole Ranma waited for a few seconds then asked "Hay pop, what's up. We done already?"

After he said that the springs water started to form a whirlpool, and out of the center of it a giant panda jumped out and landed on a bamboo pole in front of Ranma. He looked at the guide and asked "What the hell is that?"

The Jusenkyou Guide held up a sign while saying "That one Shonmaoniichuan. Spring of drowned panda. Very tragic story of panda who drowned 2000 year ago. The legend say whoever fall in spring take body of panda!"

"Hey buddy, you never said anything about that to us" Ranma said while looking at the guide. He did have to admit that the panda standing in front of him was wearing the same gi and glasses as his father.

Before he could really get over the fact that his father had turned into a panda, the panda had leapt off of the pole directly at him. This time Ranma didn't have the time to prepare for the attack. It had caught him completely by surprise.

Ranma was hit by the panda's kick and went flying backwards. While in the air he tried desperately to catch one of the bamboo poles as he went past. With the tip of his fingers he did manage to grab onto one of the poles and stop his forward momentum, but he couldn't get enough of a hold to stay on the pole.

With a big splash he fell into the spring. He could feel his body tingle for a minute and then it felt like his flesh was melting off of his bones. When the change was done Ranma knew that he was no longer the same person he was.

It wasn't until he re surfaced that he realized that he had changed even more than he had thought. Everything looked, sounded, smelled, felt different then before. Every sense he had was now much more intense then before.

He heard the Guide running towards him. The problem was that he could hear too much of the guide running towards him. Ranma could hear the guide's heart beating, his clothes rustling, every leaf or twig he stepped on braking, and other noises he couldn't even identify coming from the guide.

Not only could he hear the guide's noises he could hear all the noises around him too. It seemed that his hearing had gotten significantly better. To make it even worse he could also tell where the noise was coming from and how far away it was too. It seemed that he could tell minute difference in the volume level in-between both ears and then uses it to tell how far away the sound was coming from.

Then there was his sight. He could see better than he had ever seen before. (And that is saying a lot since he had 20/10 vision before) It seemed like he could see more details of all the things around him, almost like the one time in school when he had looked through a microscope before. The difference here was that he seemed to see everything that way at once, not just one thing at a time.

It wasn't until he started to feel his body that he realized that more had changed then he had originally thought. The first thing that he realized was that he didn't have any clothes on anymore. The next was that "he" now had breasts and didn't have something else in-between "his" legs, but she did have something that SHE was supposed to have.

When the guide reached the spring she had fallen into he said "You lucky sir, this spring has not been cursed. You should no change."

Ranma slowly pulled herself out of the spring and turned and looked at the guide and said in a menacing voice "I should not change?" She pointed at her new body and continued "Then what the hell do you call this!"

The guide gulped when he saw the look on her face. She was truly pissed off. "Ah, Mr. customer, I not know what happened. You not supposed to change. That one of the few springs that has not had someone die in it yet."

The guide looked at the new girl a bit more closely and then asked "Why you have no clothes?", while looking around the spring for the gi that she was wearing before she fell into the spring.

She just scowled at the guide and replied "They disappeared when I fell into the spring." The guide looked at her funny and then said "That not supposed to happen. This very strange."

Just then the giant panda, that used to be her father showed up and Ranma rushed up to the panda, grabbed a hold of it's neck with one hand, faster than her father could see, much less react.

"Let's go to Jusenkyou you said. It will be good training you said." she said as she held him by the neck.

She then threw him down to the ground and continued "Why is it that every time you find a so called "Forbidden" technique or "Ultimate" training ground that you have to teach it or go to it old man?"

She advanced towards the panda and picked it up off the ground by its neck again. "I would have thought that you would have learned by now, that none of your hair brained schemes every work out right, but no. YOU NEVER LEARN"

She threw him back on to the ground and softly said "You never learn, do you. No matter what mistakes you make, no matter what harm you cause, you don't care. It's all for the art you say."

The panda looks at its son turned daughter and starts to get angry. It brings out a sign {Stop wining like a girl. A true martial artist should be able to take anything that happens to him in stride. He should be able to take any bad experience and learn from it.}

Ranma gestures down at herself and asks "What am I supposed to learn from this? That you're an IDOT?"

With that the panda roars a cry of rage and rushes its daughter. She easily counters her fathers first few punches and she wonders why his punches are so slow. She smiles at the panda and taunts him "Why are you so slow pops. I always knew that you where fat and lazy, but this new form of yours is fat, lazy, and slow."

The panda seems to take offence to her taunting and redoubles it's efforts to hit its new daughter. But no matter how hard it tries, it can't seem to even come close to hitting her.

Ranma grins at the panda and says "Ah, look at the cute panda get all mad like that." She gives the guide a smirk and then asks "Doesn't it look adorable?" With that said she catches and holds both of it's paws and says "Game over pops, you lose." Then she head butts him and knocks him out.

The guide looks at her than says "You two very strange ones, yes." Then quickly looks away, embarrassed at her unclothed state.

Ranma looks down at herself and with a quick glare at the guide quickly goes to her pack and puts on the new clothes that she had gotten just a few days ago.

When she finished putting her clothes on she turned back to the guide and asked "Is there a cure?"

The guide looks at her in her new clothes and gulped. The black silk pants seemed to be painted on her and clearly showed each and every line on her legs, and the shirt wasn't much better, if anything it was worse. The shirt was too small on her, and clearly entirely to tight in certain places.

After quickly looking away again he replies "No, there no cure, but hot water turn you back to normal until you get hit by cold water again."

The guide starts toward his hut and motions Ranma to follow him. She easily picks the panda and both of their packs, and then follows him towards the hut.