Key, New Beginnings


Miho had a small smile on her face, as she lie dying next to the control powerbox of the robotic marionette she had controlled over the last few years. The abomination that had slowly, but surly sucked the live out of her.

She could no longer tell how much time she had been in this version of her own personal hell. She had long ago gave up any hope of escape when she realized that even if she could get free of the restraints and slip past the guards, it wouldn't do her any good. She had barely enough energy to sit up, much less get up and walk out the door.

Her days were filled with dread of when she would have to control the robot again, or worse yet, actually have to control it.

So it was, with a slight smile on her lips that she simply sat and watched Ajo Jinsaku, president of Ajo Heavy Industries, die in the control powerbox next to her.

Miho sat, feeling the last of her life's energy leaving her body, she welcomed the release that death would bring her. With a last sigh of breath, that she knew would be her last, she closed her eyes and was then still.


Miho felt a hand gently grab hold of her arm, and from that spot she could feel a slow energy flowing through her body again. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking into the deepest eyes that she had ever seen before.

She stared into eyes that seemed to hold vast amounts of pain and longing that seemed to reach out and grab your soul. It was like a silent plea for help and comfort that hung around the young girl with an almost visible aura. But at the same time she could sense an enormous power residing within the girls body.

The girl looked at Miho with a sad smile, and tears going down her eyes and said "Key has already had one friend die, Key dose not want another to die too. Would Miho allow key to help?"

With that said she put down an container that she had been holding. When she opened it up, a pale pinkish light poured out of the container. Where ever the light touched Miho, she could feel a slight tingling.

The girl, Key, pointed to the light and said "This is Key's friends Sakura's Guiest. Her soul. It will make Miho better. Will Miho allow Key to use it on her?"

Miho looked at the container and the light spilling out of it and asked "Is Sakura the friend who died?"

Right after she had said that Key seemed to withdraw into herself and Miho could feel a wave of despair and loneliness radiate out from the girl. Then there was an answering wave of caring and love come out from the open container of Guiest.

Key seemed to gather herself for a few seconds then answered "Sakura was Keys best friend. Key does not want Sakura's soul to die. Key does not want Miho to die"

When Miho nods her head, the Guiest comes out of the container and surrounds her. Then a brief flash and Miho feels strength enter her body, along with other emotions she hasn't felt in the longest time.

Hope, happiness, love, worry, concern. The emotions swirl around her head and with a smile on her face, she falls into the most peaceful sleep that she could remember in a very long time